What screening information do you require?

To make an appointment I will need your name, age, phone number, and one of the following options (listed from most preferred to least)

  • Your linkedIn profile or other employment verification.

  • A selfie of you holding your photo ID. You can cover your address, but all other details must be visible.

  • An appointment request via P411. Your profile must have okays.

  • A provider reference from someone with an online presence. Please link their website.

Is my personal information safe with you?

Absolutely. Your screening details will remain private between just me and you, and are only used to ensure my safety and comfort. I will never share details of our encounter with anyone. If we were to ever see each other out in public, I will pretend that I don’t know you, and ask that you do the same for me.

What type of men are you attracted to?

I know it’s going to sound cheesy, but I really do just like nice guys. Seeing that someone is genuine and thoughtful is what makes me feel most comfortable and close to them. Superficial things like appearance don’t matter to me, I just like spending time with people who are respectful and well intentioned.

How long will it take you to answer my email?

I normally respond to all inquiries within 48 hours, please be sure to check your spam folder. If you haven’t heard back from me past that time, I did not think we were a good match.

Do you tour?

I do not tour. I am only available in Vancouver, BC or for FMTY’s.

Can I make an outfit request?

I am not interested in outfit requests unless it is something vague (ex. dressy, casual, sporty).

Can I use you as a reference?

I highly recommend providing real world information over references when booking any companion. If you’re still set on using references, I will provide two for you if we have met in the last twelve months. No need to ask me in advance.

Can I write you a review?

Moving forward I am implementing a no review policy. I use the utmost discretion when it comes to your privacy and personal information, and I would love to be granted the same . If you are interested in getting to know me better, please check me out on X. And if you had a great time on our date, a simple thank you email letting me know really does mean the world to me!